A BRAND NEW YEAR~ Take It By Storm!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Response to January's Topic of the Month

We all have been reading the news and watching television, each month individuals are suffering from job loss or job cuts resulting in high unemployment, a few of you have even lost your jobs in the last 6-9months, while health insurance is increasing and health benefits are decreasing. Industries such as Financial, Automotive and Retail are being hit the hardest with more industries to come; or at least this is what we are being told. It is very easy during this time to allow fear to consume and prevent you from focusing on the one true God who can move all challenges, obstacles, concerns, and doubt. Now don't get me wrong the recession is real, and to be honest my household is feeling the affects of job loss as the NFL is having administrative job cuts, the AFL has completely folded until further notice and trying to manage off of a shrunken income budget is difficult. As it is easy to think about what is Not going well in each of our lives and the financial strain each of us may be enduring. I have learned as we go through these cycles of change the one constant is keeping our heart and mind open to hearing God's voice and the direction he has for our lives. This requires trusting and believing in God especially when times are good and even when times of what we believe are bad. This requires praying, and also praying with your husband or partner, praying his word over your life and your circumstances and reading his word. Now I have not always been true to following the advice in which I am giving, but I do know when I focus on my God and not my problem, when I pray and read his word my life and situation always turns out for my good. Life is too short to spend in fear, doubt or even complaining about what we do not have. I am a living witness that GOD will make a way out of no way. I can not think of the many times in the past few months when I wondered how in the world am I going to pay the light bill, my mom sends a surprise check in the mail which covered the cost of the light bill; or when a visa gift card came right in time for the holidays, or when I was traveling on business and an error with the airlines resulted in refund of funds to cover another bill. Now I am not advocating living check to check LOL LOL... This is actually foolish, and we as a society and people have to do better to spend wisely and save properly for not only difficult times, but for our children and childrens childrens; but there are times and circumstances which are out of our control where this will happen. The key is learning from the experience and making the proper provisions to overcome. I for one can see my breakthrough and it is close, and I am and will use my personal testimony to say even if you have suffered job cuts or job loss, it is not the end of life or your livelihood. The key is working through the difficulties and coming out stronger, wiser and yes even more prosperous than before. Which is why it is important for all to read GODs word, meditate over his word so you may hear his voice in what he has in store for you and your family. During tough economic times it is very easy to blame each other, or for bitterness and resentment to creep into the marriage. Arguments begin and you don't know why, even affairs can begin during financial strains, don't allow the devil to penetrate your thoughts and cause confusion within your marriage and relationship as we know God is of peace and the devil is of confusion. Remember economic strains only endure for a moment while joy endures for a lifetime. If you are equally yoked with your spouse or partner you must understand you are going to experience difficulties, but keeping love alive and strong through communication, laughter, hugs, kisses and yes if you are married making love while also reading God's word will ensure your marriage and relationship weathers the storm. Now I am no doctor, or Psychologist , but what I am is a child of GOD who has gone through experiences which have shaped me into the wife, mother, sister, friend and daughter that I am today. Here are some scriptures I read or have read during times of difficulty:

Matthew 5:27-37 (teaching of adultery, divorce and vows)

Matthew 6:25-34 (teaching not to worry about day to day things, money, food etc.)

Matthew 7:24-27 (ensuring each household builds a strong foundation)

Matthew 19:4-12 (discussion about divorce and marriage)

Proverbs 5:1-23 (discussion on how husbands should treat their wives)

Proverbs 31:10-31 (discussion on how wives should treat their husbands)

Philippians 4:6-7 (discussion on how to overcome fear and worry)

I could go on and on, but these are things both you and your spouse can read to strengthen your marriage especially during tough times such as what we are dealing with today financially; also remember if your spouse has not fully come to know who Jesus Christ really is or his role in your marriage, no problem, don't you fret, you continue to pray for your spouse and your marriage, GOD hears all and how many times have we been saved by the prayers of someone else. So I end my post with I hope you have gotten something from me sharing a piece of my heart 2 yours and please post your thoughts or shared experiences you never know you may be a latern of hope and light for someone else.

Take Care and Always, GOD Bless~
